Are You Looking for a Way to Effortlessly Green Your Home?

Are You Looking for a Way to Effortlessly Green Your Home?

Recycling and turning off the lights when not in the room are good things we all do for the environment. But did you know that you can do much more for the planet with minimal effort? Here are a few lesser-known tips you can apply to your own home. 

Bye-Bye Plastic 

Landfill sites and even the bottoms of the oceans are drowning in plastic. Think about it: almost everything we buy is wrapped in this material, which takes between 100 and 1,000 years to decompose. Researchers believe that certain types of plastic may even be indestructible. It is therefore crucial that we reduce its use. Bulk stores are an excellent solution. All you need to do is bring your own reusable containers with you to restock on nuts, flour, household goods and other items you regularly purchase. Equally, boycotting overpackaged products will signal to companies that they need to rethink their methods.  

Plugging-In Is So Out! 

Even when you are not using them, your electrical appliances still consume electricity. If you don’t feel like unplugging televisions, computers, coffee makers or other machines after every use (and we completely understand!), purchase a multi-outlet strip surge protector at the hardware store. It will block the current when it detects that the device is not in use. The financial savings will also be considerable! 

Set the Dishwasher Smartly! 

These indispensable little critters are unfortunately real electricity gluttons. But did you know that by selecting the “quick wash” setting you could reduce your energy usage by a third? If your appliance is quite full and the dishes adequately arranged, they will come out just as clean as after a regular wash. It is also possible to cancel the drying option. Wiping the dishes dry with a towel will save you a good amount of electricity.

Are Your Lightbulbs Dusty?  

Even the most dedicated clean freak you know probably doesn’t dust the lightbulbs. And yet this simple act will optimize luminosity in the room and therefore reduce wasted energy. Another tip is to install dimmers for each light fixture; in addition to creating a cozy ambiance, they are more energy efficient.  

Dead Leaves Nourish Life!

The leaves that cover your lawn in the autumn should never end up in the garbage, or worse, in a polluting open fire. They are, in fact, an efficient and natural fertilizer. You need only pass the lawnmower over the leaves as they fall. Then, spread the little shredded pieces uniformly over your lawn to make it grow stronger. You can also protect your plants during the winter by using the leaves as mulch.

Composting Is Not Gross!

Many are afraid of using a composting bin to dispose of their fruit and vegetable peels, eggshells and other food scraps. Nevertheless, composting has nothing to do with the horror movie images of piles of worms squirming in smelly garbage. Composting is discreet, clean and odourless! Plus, it produces a natural and cheap fertilizer.

Composting has nothing to do with the horror movie images of piles of worms squirming in smelly garbage

Collecting Rainwater

Your lawn and plants don’t need potable water; in fact, they thrive on rainwater. There is therefore no reason to use water from the municipal supply which, because it has been treated, has an ecological footprint. Why not place containers of all shapes and sizes around your yard to collect water when it rains? Don’t worry, we’re joking! There are chic and discreet barrels that have been designed for this exact purpose. We wouldn’t want you to be the laughingstock of the neighbourhood, of course!

End Food Waste!

Growing grains, vegetables and fruits has a considerable environmental impact, and livestock even more so. The water used to make them grow, the gas burned by agricultural machinery, producing the packaging … it’s a long list! Unfortunately, in Canada, 6 million tonnes of food end up in the garbage every year. Once the numbers have been crunched, all this waste has significant consequences of the environment. Here are three things you can do to reduce your waste:

1- Stop Following the Best Before Dates

No, we are not suggesting that you eat curdled yogurt or mouldy bread! However, before you throw away food that is past its date, keep in mind that these numbers are only an indicator of freshness. Use your common sense: if it smells funky and has a strange colour or texture, toss it into the garbage! If not, down the hatch!

2- The Freezer, Your Best Ally

Many foods freeze so well that we would be crazy to leave them to rot in the fridge. Even milk and fresh eggs can be stored there without losing their taste. Are your vegetables and fruits starting to go soft? Did you buy too much bread for the week? Will your cheese, fish and steak be past their prime in a few days? There isn’t a second to waste! In fact, we recommend that you do a weekly inventory to avoid “losing” food in the back fridge.

3- Planning Your Meals: Tedious, But Cost Effective

Who has never come back from the supermarket with food that they already had in the fridge? Who has never thrown away food in the pantry that hadn’t found a taker before going bad? We all know that planning meals, lunches and snacks is not part of our top 5 favourite activities (you can say it, it’s drudgery), but this necessary evil will help you save time, save money and, most especially, avoid waste.

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