Feng Shui Is Back: 6 Rules to Improve the Flow of Energy in Your Home

Feng Shui Is Back: 6 Rules to Improve the Flow of Energy in Your Home

This thousand-year-old Asian art is experiencing quite a comeback! We are reminded that by following its principles, we can improve our quality of life. Here’s how we can we integrate it into our homes?

Feng Shui is a complex and detailed design philosophy. Applying each one of its rules can be tedious (although many do manage it!). It is, however, possible to integrate some of its guidelines to our decor and obtain compelling results. Here are 6 rules to foster the easy flow of positive energy in your home. See for yourself!

Colours to Improve Your Mood

Do you know that colours can impact our emotions? Feng Shui has understood this for a long time! It is advised that you avoid colours that are too strong or aggressive, especially in the bedroom. Red should be used sparingly because of its stimulating effect, unless you want to create a romantic atmosphere for the master bedroom by adding scarlet sheets, for example. Yellow and green, for their part, will invoke softness and vitality, which is ideal for the type of energy we want to invite into the living room. Are you afraid you might pick the wrong colour? Choose creamy whites or light and gentle colours.

Purity… Everywhere

Decluttering is one of the basic elements of this art. A bedroom containing too many objects is detrimental to sleep. Disordered or messy rooms foster confusion and block the flow of the right kind of energy. Furthermore, you should be able to easily walk around the furniture in each room. And all rooms should be filled with natural light.

Straight Lines Are to Be Avoided

Straight lines are not recommended when decorating. They are considered to be “secret arrows” that generate negative vibrations. Feng Shui, on the contrary, underscores the importance of curved lines. In recent years, design has favoured straight lines. Thankfully for Feng Shui practitioners, the tide is turning. The prevalence of curved lines is increasing in decor. They can be found everywhere in the home: round footrests, spherical light fixture, S-shaped sofas and headboards, etc.

Stripes? Yikes!

Do your linens, pillows or curtains feature patterns comprised of straight lines? Unfortunately, they run counter to the philosophy. The reason is simple: stripes, as reminders of bars, are a symbol of imprisonment according to the rules of Feng Shui. If you really want to include them in your decor, choose thin and widely spaced lines.

Happy… Accessories!

A monumental painting is hanging on a wall of the living room; at glance you feel the distress the artist wanted to express. The shape of a vase in your kitchen does nothing but fill you with sadness. The statue of a fierce warrior brandishing a lance stands on a shelf. A dried flower arrangement is presiding over the bathroom. You probably get it. All these examples do not correspond to the Feng Shui outlook as they foster negative emotions. If you want to adhere to the rules, opt for soothing and joy inspiring accessories.

A Pampered Entry Way!

Particular care should be taken when it comes to the home or apartment’s entry way. Is the paint on the front door peeling? Is the handle malfunctioning? Are there inappropriate items scattered nearby (like kids’ toys or an old pair of shoes)? Are the flowers in the decorative planter healthy or are they drooping down low? It is said that positive energy comes in through the front door to invigorate the residents. This is why it must be looked after!

We hope your home will be even more comfortable thanks to all this great advice and that your well-being will radiate outwards to your friends and family. Long live Feng Shui!

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By RE/MAX Québec

By RE/MAX Québec

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