Preventing Water Damage From Melting Snow

Frigid temperatures, snow, freezing rain, showers … our houses are built to withstand the elements. In spring, the warming weather increases the risk of flooding and damage due to accumulating snowmelt runoff.
It is therefore important to make sure all this water doesn’t harm your residence. Here are our tips.
Grab Your Shovel!
Remove large snowbanks from areas where the snow could seep into your house when it melts, such as around the basement windows. In fact, compacted snow and ice can turn into dams, preventing water from flowing in the proper direction. Move the snow away from your residence’s perimeter.
Likewise, remember to clear decks, patios and lanes that slope down toward your property. Make sure your gutters are free of snow and debris and that the drains around your home, usually near the door, are unobstructed.
Direct Spring Runoff
Learn in which direction the snow will melt. A combination of melting snow and rain can result in high runoff levels. As you shovel snow on your property, consider which path the water is likely to take as the temperature rises. You may have to dig channels to divert it toward the nearest drain.
Pay Attention to the Roof
Snow build-up on the roof can find its way inside the structure; however, exercise caution when clearing it away. Mounting a ladder and climbing onto the roof to shovel the snow is not recommended! You should preferably hire a company that specializes in this type of work. It’s a good sign if the snow is melting and running off the edge of the roof. This means that the water is flowing down the roof and not into the property, and that dams will probably not form.
Understand Your Home Insurance Coverage
Moreover, knowing which water damage categories are covered by your insurance policy is essential when planning home maintenance. Not all residential water damage is considered equal. For example, frozen pipes may be assessed differently than seeping snow. Check with your insurance agent to avoid unpleasant surprises and guarantee your peace of mind!
Strengthen Your Basement’s Line of Defence
A sump pump is your best safeguard against residential flooding. Make sure it is functioning properly before spring arrives every year. Remove any debris and built-up ice that might be clogging it. You can equally carry out a test by pouring water into the reservoir to see if it is working. Also, patch any cracks in the foundation and move any devices and other items that could be damaged if water did get in.
No house is completely safe from spring flooding, but you can still minimize the risk and limit any damage!